Thursday, October 20, 2011

When writing my thesis i faced a problem, how to avoid displaying Appendix section from TOC, i found a coding solution in and i modified it to allow up to 3 levels.
Just add these Command after the preamble of your document and use them as following:



.\arabic{subsection} \hspace{1em}{#1}}}

Now you can use the new commands as following:

instead of \section{SectionName}

instead of \subsection{SubSectionName}

instead of \subsubsection{SubSubSectionName}

Monday, October 03, 2011

To allow good Appendix table of content view and writing professional documents, follow this piece of code:

Note that , appendix1 and appendix2 is a normal .tex files like any chapter files start with \chapter and contains sections






To allow code Listing in Latex, follow this block of code , like a professional books



\begin{lstlisting}[language=java,, label=code:XYZ_Code, frame=b,
breaklines=true, showstringspaces=false,

class Doing
public static void main(string [] args)
int x = 0 ;

While exploring my old data, i discovered an old source code for a game developed in 2003 by me and only me. :)

The game was Selem w Te3ban (سلم و تعبان)(Snake and Stairs), it coded by Visual Studio 2003 and C# .NET 1.1. It support up to two players and really i was talented in graphics, i made some pretty images in it. Sorry if you find any bug, i was just a new pie in programming ;)

For try and play it , follow this link.